day, my Mom gave me a heat that I have to wear while we were out...
Since we were travel by Dad's bike,, so they thought that I should wear
something to cover my head... That is,,, the heat,, I really like it so
much,,, so I wear it reversed,, to make me cool hah,,,
I think,, I am fit with this heat,,, well,, along with my red jacket,,
I thing that's good combination... maybe someday,, I have to consider
be a dress consultant,, oh no,, my Dad's used to told me that I should
be an army one day like my grandpa,,,and seems my Mom disagree about
what my future carer since I should go along long way a head,,, still,
she keen to be an artist for my carer.... He,, he,, he,, I thing both
are love me, so they though their own carer for me,,, What a