My "Nice Blue Baby Bike"

Someday before, my Dad's came from work. As usual,,, I heard his bike sound (''broom,,,brooomm,,, what a big bike I knew"). Somehow I always thinking that Dad's brought me something I can taste (like my favorite chocolate,,,hmmmm,,tastyyy). Then I found that my Dad's brought me a "nice blue baby bike"

I love it,,,,,,,woow,,, I can't hardly believe it,, finally I can ride my own bike. He,,,he,, don't you see,, I enjoy ride it event I didn't realize bumped a wall.... Well my experience was so good at that time ride it.

Somedays.... I'll become a good bike rider,,, like motobike rider I used to watch on my small TV with my lovely Dad's. Off course my Mom's won't let me ride by myself at first,,, she played with me and try to feed me as well ( you know,, Mom's always feed me while I was busy with my toys,,,).

Well I hope you all can understand why I am so exciting about my first bike.... That gift was my first happy impression about,,, Parents always give the best for their kids event not in your bhirthday,,, What ever my parents give me,,,, there must be excite me,,, hmmm except they try to feed me my medicine ( I guess you have the same reaction as well)... Happy ride,,,watch your feet ,,, (my dad's warn me) ,,, and Ride,,,,ride,,,ride,,,,