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This is My Diary Site designed by Yola.com for me for free I can add
all the text by my own text. This blog tells about me, my mom and dad
as well as my big happy family.
In here you will find all the information about me,,,, yeahh,,, it's
about me, where I was born, my meal, my activities and so on. Thanks to
my Dad that help me to customize the blog and be my personnal assistant
to write the blog,,, he,, he,,he,,, my Dad love to do this for me....;)
I am actually near two years old (by the time I using this blog), and
haven't completed my all teeth grown.
I was born in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, September 12, 2006. ========================================================================================== |
Samuel Gultom Copyrigth@2009